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Hamburger Vermögensschaden-Haftpflicht Risikomanagement GmbH

Hamburger Vermögensschaden-Haftpflicht Risikomanagement GmbH (abbr. HVR), founded in 2001, is a multiple agent specialised in the financial loss liability insurance sector. HVR performs various functions for and on behalf of large German insurers.

Since 2016, HVR has been a 100% subsidiary of DUAL Deutschland GmbH. The company is based in Hamburg, with its offices located in the city centre. Along with HVR, the Hamburg branch of DUAL Deutschland is also based here.

The DUAL subsidiary primarily focuses on the business of classic financial loss liability insurance for German customers who provide intellectual services. In this capacity, it functions as an outsourced underwriting agency, and in some areas takes on claims processing.

HVR provides the following services

  • Acting as an authorised underwriting agency: Handling the principal's sales channels, that is, the creation and development of products and tariffs, as well as drawing up quotes and reviewing applications. Associated tasks are performed by the principal themselves.
  • Acting as a fully outsourced management department: HVR takes on all associated tasks, from tariff development, drawing up the quote and documentation, to debt collection and dunning processes and claims adjustment. HVR also makes use of the principal's sales channels, where their representatives and brokers receive relevant enquiries. The policy is issued under the principal's logo.
  • Acting as an underwriter with extensive authority.

HVR's products